When looking around the various industries you could work in, a very popular industry is commercial cleaning. Indeed, running your own commercial cleaning business is a hugely satisfying enterprise to run. Challenging but rewarding, your days revolve around helping people showcase their own business in the best possible light. The industry, though, can be quite unique and varied. Whether you choose to run your own commercial cleaning business, or you need to get a commercial cleaner involved in your business, understanding the industry basics is very important.
What is commercial cleaning?
Typically, commercial cleaning is a business service provided to keep commercial locations spotless. Commercial cleaning, though, covers everything from maintenance to junk pick-up and dealing with environmental issues. Typically, commercial cleaning is a catch-all term used for any cleaning operations carried out to the benefit of a commercial enterprise, such as a business or office.
The process itself is often used to help provide clients with the opportunity to do what they do best, whilst you keep the place spotless for them. This can include a whole variety of tasks, including:
- Cleaning the commercial workplace and disposing of trash, rubbish, and debris.
- Vacuuming, mopping, dusting and generally cleaning the entire workplace.
- Maintaining key fixtures such as doors, windows and other fittings to ensure cleanliness.
- Working on appliances to maintain their operation and safe usage.
- Solving issues with the building such as the build-up of mold and other issues.
- Assessing the condition of the workplace and making long-term recommendations.
Of course, the challenge with running a commercial cleaning company is that you have so many jobs to pick from. You could also be invested in specialist skills such as waxing, buffing, power washing, and specialist cleaning solutions needed for particular industries. You could even work in specialist fields like disaster recovery, post-tenancy clean-out and various other aspects of the commercial cleaning industry.
Generally, though, your aim is to help another commercial enterprise maintain the best possible standard of care in their property. Whether that comes from day-to-day cleaning or more specific and strenuous cleaning comes down to your business goals as well as the kind of clients that you work with.
This is a major consideration, and something that we recommend you take into account. When hiring or starting a commercial cleaning operation, always consider the kind of cleaning that could be carried out/offered. It can be tough to get it right, but the basic premise is simple: commercial cleaning is about helping other enterprises to look the best that they can.

Starting your own commercial cleaning business
Of course, you could choose to build your own commercial cleaning firm from scratch. Or, you could choose to make a wise investment in a janitorial franchise and work as part of a larger business brand. Whatever you feel most confident doing, this is a line of work that many people benefit from being involved within. It’s an exciting, engaging and rewarding form of work that you can feel very satisfied taking part in.
Whether you need commercial cleaning or want to become involved in the commercial cleaning industry, though, the basic rules above will apply.
Learn How to Start Your Own Commercial Cleaning Business